Sustainable Finance: ESG, Compliance, Risk Management and SDG – new collective book

The “Water Connection Project: Communication Management and Digital Network for Governance and Sustainability”, supported by the Chamber of Environment and Cultural Heritage of the Federal Public Ministry (4CCR/MPF), in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Environmental Members of the Public Ministry (Abrampa), with the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and with the Environment Commission of the National Council of the Public Ministry (CNMP) launch this Friday (17) the collective work “Sustainable Finance: ESG, Compliance, Risk Management and SDGs”.
The e-book, aims to bring together contributions from experts from the business, financial, public, academic, third sector, Public Ministry, Judiciary and regulatory bodies. The aim is to bring together technical and legal knowledge on ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance principles and issues related to best governance practices, socio-environmental responsibility instruments, risk management, compliance, SDGs – United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in the implementation and pursuit of good corporate and public governance practices.
The publication brings together 33 articles by 67 authors who discuss and analyze the articulated integration of this entire range of themes. The publication has the presentation of the Coordinator of the 4th Chamber of Coordination and Review of the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office – environment and cultural heritage, Dr. Juliano Baiocchi Villa-Verde de Carvalho and was coordinated by Consuelo Yatsuda Moromizato Yoshida, Marcelo Drügg Barreto Vianna and Sandra Akemi Shimada Kishi, members of the Consultative Committee of the Connection Water Project. The book also has contributions from members of the Forests & Finance Coalition.
The book is available (in Portuguese only) on the MPF Portal and on the MPF, CNJ, CNMP and ABRAMPA websites and on the portal.
Click here to access the entire e-book “Sustainable Finance – ESG, Compliance, Risk Management, ODS”.