Top 5 Forest-Risk Clients

Credit & underwriting (2016-2022)

  • Brazil Agriculture Finance Program
    1790.82 (USD Million)
  • Royal Golden Eagle Group
    215.15 (USD Million)
  • Small-scale Agricultural Operators Brazil
    69.78 (USD Million)
  • Marfrig
    54.6 (USD Million)
  • Cooperativa Agroindustrial Alfa
    24.59 (USD Million)

Top 5 Investments

Share & bond holdings (latest, 2022)

  • Suzano
    255.67 (USD Million)
  • CMPC
    6.18 (USD Million)
  • Minerva
    4.99 (USD Million)
  • SLC Agricola
    3.39 (USD Million)
  • Sampoerna Group
    2.64 (USD Million)

Note: Red flags are give to companies for which big social and environmental impacts have been documented

Policy Assessment

Weighted Total Score
0 0.8 10
Environment Total Score
0 0.8 10
Social Total Score
0 0.3 10
Governance Total Score
0 1.1 10

Scores by Sector

The total scores are calculated based on the weighted average of the sector scores, according to the exposure of the financial institution to each sector.

Assessment Details

The total scores are calculated based on the weighted average of the sector scores, according to the exposure of the financial institution to each sector.


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